Simply Complicated Read online

Page 6

  During their meeting, he told Jake everything. Of course, this time Jake was the wrong person to confide in.

  “I don’t understand the problem. Sit back and enjoy the ride. If she’s willing to give it up knowing she’ll never be your wife then so be it,” Jake told him.

  “Jake, you didn’t see how crazy she was acting. Besides, I really want to go back to being faithful to Monica and spending more time with Marci. I feel I’m being blackmailed into cheating,” Ken explained.

  Jake disagreed, “Man, I’m telling you, the worst thing you can do is to tell Monica. Doing so will cause you to lose her forever.”

  Ken didn’t know what to do. He hated the fact that Susan was forcing him to be with her but he felt Jake was right. Telling Monica was not an option. So, he decided to play her game until he could figure a way out of this mess.

  Susan called him every chance she got. His dream affair had turned into a nightmare. He was no longer having fun. He started getting depressed, bitter, and irritable. He didn’t know how much more he could take.

  It had been over a month since he had been playing Susan’s game and he was growing tired of it. After the first month he refused to have sex with her but would go to her place and stay for an hour.

  One evening she called him when Monica happened to be out with friends and he was home with Marci. He chose to ignore her call. She called him every ten minutes.

  He continued ignoring his phone deciding not to listen to her messages. An hour passed and she finally stopped calling.

  After putting Marci to bed, Ken decided to make himself a drink and relax. While sitting in the den, he heard a loud noise. When he looked out, he noticed a car driving away from his house.

  Someone had thrown a brick through the window of his side door. He was furious. He knew it was Susan although he did not see her.

  A few minutes later Monica pulled up.

  “Oh my God, Ken, what happened to the window? Is everything okay? Tell me what happened,” exclaimed Monica.

  “I’m not sure. I was in the den and heard a loud noise. When I went to see what it was I saw the window broken. I was just about to call the police when you pulled up,” he explained.

  “Well, let’s call the police,” Monica said.

  The police came and took a statement. During the interview they asked if Ken or Monica knew of anyone who was capable of doing something like that. They replied no.

  The police explained that it could have been a burglary attempt and perhaps the perpetrators took off after realizing someone was home.

  After the police left, Monica told Ken she was afraid that whoever did it may come back and actually break in. He assured her that everything was okay and then boarded up the window.

  After she went to bed, Ken listened to the messages Susan had left. He could tell in her voice that she was angry and out of control because he did not answer her calls.

  “I can’t believe you think you can break our deal without any consequences. I told you I’m not playing with you. I advise you to call me back,” the first message said.

  “Ken—quit playing and pick up the telephone. I need you. Please come over. I’m sorry for forcing you to see me.” The second message said.

  “Ken—why are you doing this to me? I love you. Okay bye.”

  “I tried being nice but you just insist on bringing out my evil side. Well don’t forget Ken, I know where you live and since you won’t come to me then I’m coming to you. You have twenty minutes to return this call or else,” she said in her last message.

  The next morning Ken stayed home until the repairman came to replace the glass on the side door. Monica went to work after dropping Marci off at daycare. While waiting, Ken called Jake and told him what happened. He could not believe it. “What are you going to do, Ken?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I better do something because things are starting to get out of control. Susan has crossed the line,” Ken replied, gazing at the broken window.

  Ken remembered he still had a key to Susan’s apartment. He thought if he could only get the DVD that half of his problems would be over. After the repairman left he decided to go to her apartment. He knew she would be at work.

  When he arrived he let himself in. He was surprised to see how messy her place was. There was a slight odor from the dirty dishes and trash. There was a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, clothes all over the living room floor, and leftover food on the stove that seemed like it had been there for days. Whenever he was there, it was neat and clean.

  He went into her bedroom and it was just as messy as the rest of the apartment. He could not believe it. He started looking everywhere for the video camera and the DVD.

  It took him about twenty minutes but he found them. He did not want to sort through them at her place so he took all the DVDs he saw. There were about twenty in total.

  He quickly left her apartment. He knew he had to destroy the DVDs but he just had to look at them to see which contained damaging footage of him. It was still early and he knew Monica would not be home for hours so he decided to watch the videos at home.

  He went into his den and started watching the DVDs. Susan did not have names on the movies—only dates. He tried to guess the first time they had sex together. He found one that was close to what he estimated and put it in.

  The first ten minutes of the footage was of her pleasing herself. He didn’t remember seeing her do any of that so he fast-forwarded. Midway through the movie, the scene switched and there was Susan with someone else.

  A part of him became jealous. He didn’t recognize the man but according to the date on the DVD, she was sleeping with this man when she and Ken were together.

  Ken quickly removed that DVD and put in another. He was not in that one either. He watched fourteen of the twenty DVDs and wasn’t in any of them.

  They were all of Susan with other men—men she was sleeping with while sleeping with him. He noticed that all of the men were wearing wedding bands.

  He started getting angry.

  She lied to me! She said she wasn’t sleeping with anyone else and I believed her, he thought.

  He decided to go ahead and watch the rest of the DVDs. Oddly enough, he was glad to see that he was on three of the last six. He destroyed the DVDs that he was on first and then threw away the others. He started to wonder if she was blackmailing the other men who were filmed as well.

  Afterwards he decided to call her and ask why she had thrown a brick through his window. As the telephone rang he began to wonder if this was such a good idea. Before he could hang up she answered.

  “Well hello, stranger. I can’t believe you’re calling. What did I do to deserve this call?” she asked bitterly. Then she laughed.

  “Very funny Susan, you know why I’m calling. Why did you throw a brick through my window?” Ken asked angrily.

  “What are you talking about, Ken? Someone threw a brick through your window? Let me find and thank them,” replied Susan.

  Her constant denial was making him angrier.

  He decided not to mention anything to her about the DVDs. “Stop playing games before someone gets hurt. I’m no longer playing into your hand, Susan. The game is over. I don’t care who you tell about us because we no longer exist. Now lose my number,” Ken demanded as he angrily hung up.

  She called him back, very angry. He started not to answer but, remembering what happened the day before, wearily picked up his phone. “What, Susan?”

  “How dare you call me and accuse me of throwing a brick through your window! Did you see me do it? I don’t think so. And if I did do it, what are you going to do about it? I can’t hear you, Ken. That’s just what I thought. Not a damn thing.

  “You need to be careful how you handle me. Don’t forget, I have something that can ruin your perfect little world. You need to be careful not to say things that you will later live to regret, Ken.

  “I just made it home and I expect to see you later or I’ll send a cop
y of the two of us to your precious Monica,” she said angrily.

  “Do what you want, Susan. I no longer care nor am I wasting my time on you ever again. It’s time I start enjoying a real woman and that’s my wife, the only woman I’ve ever loved. Your clean-up days with me are over. Have a nice life and leave me the fuck alone,” Ken replied.

  Susan started screaming and shouting so he hung up on her a second time. Mentally unhinged, she began breaking things in her apartment and slapping herself on the face. She then took a pair of scissors and viciously chopped at her hair.

  She began pacing the floor, taking deep breaths and speaking to no one, “We will always be together. We are meant to be together, he is my soul mate and I will not let his wife get in our way,” she said as she began rubbing her belly and talking to the baby inside of her.

  She had just found out from her doctor that she was pregnant.

  After going through her tirade, she stormed out of her apartment and starting driving aimlessly, talking to herself again.

  “How dare he do this to me? Why did he say all those mean things? I’m carrying his child and he will be there for us,” she said.

  She decided to call Jake. Jake told her that he would rather stay out of their business especially because she was his client. She told Jake to tell Ken that if he didn’t call her within three days, she was going to pay him another visit at his home. Jake advised her against that.

  He called Ken and warned him what she had said. After her last visit, Ken knew she was crazy enough to come by so he thought it best to call her. When she answered, he demanded, “What do you want? I have nothing more to say to you.”

  “I have something I need to talk to you about face-to-face,” Susan insisted.

  “I’m not falling for that trick again. Whatever you need to tell me you can say it over the telephone.”

  “I think you’d rather hear this in person. If you don’t want to come to my apartment then perhaps we could meet somewhere else,” she said.

  Ken grew angry, “Listen Susan, I’m not meeting you anywhere. Either you tell me now or don’t tell me at all.”

  “Okay—you win. I’m pregnant and the baby is yours.”

  Ken was silent for a moment, his anxiety growing. Prior to seeing the DVDs of her with other men, he would have believed he was the father no questions asked but since he knew about the other men, he found it difficult to believe he was the father.

  “How do I know its mine?” he asked.

  “It’s yours and don’t try to deny it. And I am not having an abortion so don’t even ask,” she said.

  “I don’t want you to have the baby. But if you do decide to keep it then I want a paternity test done,” he replied.

  “No problem. And when the baby is born and it’s proven that you’re the father, I expect you to be there to help take care of it.”

  “If it’s proven that I am the father I’ll support you financially, but I will not leave my wife and daughter under any circumstances,” he said.

  Ken decided not to tell Monica anything about the baby until the baby was born and the paternity test was done. Until then, he was going to avoid Susan as much as possible.

  The next eight months proved to be very challenging for Ken. The stress of not knowing if he had fathered a child with Susan was tearing him apart. He knew if the test proved he was the father, he would have to tell Monica everything, something he dreaded.

  One evening, Susan called Ken and told him she was at the hospital about to have the baby. She begged him to come and support her as she had their baby.

  He had mixed feelings about going. He wasn’t sure if she had family and friends with her and he didn’t want to meet anyone. He decided against going, but didn’t tell her this.

  She gave birth to a little boy whom she named Kenneth Adam Thomas. She ordered a blood test while she and the baby were still at the hospital.

  She called Ken and told him he had to come to the hospital to have the blood test done before she and the baby were sent home. She knew this would get him to the hospital. She was hoping that while there he would check in on her and the baby.

  Ken arrived to the hospital several hours after she called him. He couldn’t help stopping by the nursery to see the baby. Unfortunately for him, Kenneth Adam was in the room with Susan so he had to see her if he wanted to see her son. He decided not to see the baby, and asked the nurse where he needed to go for a blood test.

  While waiting for the DNA test results, Ken never called Susan to see how she and the baby were doing. He thought by not calling her that she would go away and his problems would be over.

  After having her son, Susan fell into a deep depression. She only kept the baby hoping it would make Ken spend more time with her. Her plan backfired and now she found herself alone, taking care of a child she did not really want.

  The baby’s constant crying made her frustrated. She rarely ate and stopped talking to her family and friends because they constantly ask her about the baby’s father. She was too embarrassed to tell them that the father was married and wanted nothing to do with her and their child.

  She didn’t have any close girlfriends because most of her time was spent with different men. On occasion she spoke with a few of her co-workers on the telephone but had no close confidants.

  She had never felt more alone. This was not what she had in mind.

  When the DNA test results arrived, they showed that Ken was indeed the father of her son. Results were sent to both her and Ken. When he read the results he couldn’t help but get angry.

  His whole world was falling apart and he didn’t know what to do. He was angry with himself for letting his relationship with her get to this point.

  She called him and told him that they needed to talk about their next step now that he knows he is the father of little Kenneth. He agreed to meet her at her apartment.

  When he saw the baby, something inside of him would not let him put little Kenneth down. He always wanted a son but he had hoped it would have been with Monica.

  He could tell that something was not right with Susan. Her hair was unkempt, her apartment was a mess, and the baby’s diaper pail was overflowing with dirty diapers that cast a stench throughout the rooms. He noticed that she lost some weight and her conversation was a little off.

  “I don’t want to fight with you anymore. I want to help you take care of our son,” he said.

  “I knew you would come to your senses and see that we were meant to be together,” she said with a huge smile.

  Ken spoke gently but firmly, “Calm down, Susan. We’re not going to be together. But I am going to help you financially take care of the baby. I’m not leaving my wife. I promise to stop in and spend time with our son but that doesn’t mean I’m coming to be with you.”

  Susan didn’t reply at first. She simply looked at him and nodded her head. Then she started to cry.

  “Why do you hate me so much now? I feel you blame me for everything as if you were duped into getting involved with me. I love you, Ken. All I ever wanted was to be with you and to start a family together.

  “I never meant to hurt you. I honestly didn’t expect us to end up here,” cried Susan.

  This time Ken did not know what to say.

  “Everything has gotten out of control. This seems like one big dream turned nightmare,” he replied.

  He still had no idea that Susan had planned on making him a part of her life forever since first meeting him at the restaurant.

  The problem for her is that she thought having sex with him would be enough to make him fall in love with her and when that didn’t work, she thought having his child would make him stay.

  After seeing his son, he knew he had to tell Monica about everything. Although Susan told him she wasn’t going to say anything to his wife, he didn’t trust her. He knew he had to find the right time to tell her.

  A few weeks had past and Ken had yet to tell Monica about Susan and his son. Every time he
got up the nerve to say something, he would change his mind. He tried not to let his situation with Susan affect his life with Monica and Marci.

  One night he decided he was going to tell Monica everything. When he arrived home Marci was at her grandparents and Monica had fixed a nice dinner. Ken asked her what the special occasion was and she explained that she noticed he had been a little tense and she wanted to do something nice for him. She told him to go take a shower while she continued to cook dinner.

  While stepping into the shower, Ken noticed something on the bathroom sink. It was a home pregnancy test. He picked it up and it read positive. Monica was pregnant with their second child.

  Ken wanted to get excited but with everything going on with Susan, he knew he wouldn’t enjoy this happy moment with his wife. He certainly couldn’t tell her about Susan and the baby that night.

  After showering and getting dressed, Ken walked downstairs and gave his wife a big kiss.

  “Are you excited about the baby?” she asked.

  He smiled and hugged her, “Of course I am, sweetheart.”

  “I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to confirm the test,” she said.

  Monica and Ken had a wonderful night holding each other and making plans for the new baby.

  “We’ll need a bigger house. I think it’s time we move,” he suggested.

  He thought he had found a way out of his situation with Susan without having to tell his wife.

  “That’s a great idea. How soon should we start looking?” she asked.

  “It’s up to you, dear,” replied Ken.

  He did not want it to be so obvious that he wanted to move right away.

  “Okay. I’ll contact a realtor tomorrow after my appointment. If I’m pregnant I want us to be in our new home before the baby arrives,” she said excitedly.

  Monica went to the doctor and found out that she was two months pregnant. She couldn’t wait to call Ken with the news. When he didn’t answer, she decided to surprise him at his office.